General public resultsLogo Cohorte EGEA

Not one asthma but many asthmas


In recent years it has become clear that there is not one asthma, but many asthmas. Our research, among the first in the world, has helped to improve the identification of the different forms of asthma. Thanks to data collected over 20 years, we have observed that these different forms of asthma determine respiratory health 20 years later. The identification…

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Scientific advances in genetics


Our research has confirmed the existence of a strong genetic component in the development of asthma and allergic diseases. For example, for the first time these studies have identified genes that are specifically involved in the development of asthma very early in life (before the age of 4) and in particular in children exposed to parental smoking or who have…

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Scientific advances on the role of diet and the use of household products


High consumption of cured meat (at least 4 servings per week) was associated with worsening asthma symptoms, whereas a healthy diet (i.e., rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains) was associated with improvement of asthma symptoms.The deleterious effects of occupational exposure to household products are now well known. Our results extended current knowledge by showing that the use of products…

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