NewsLogo Cohorte EGEA

New EGEA4 follow-up


The new cohort follow-up, EGEA4, has begun! The study is being launched in several stages. Participants at the Grenoble center have been contacted by postal mail, those in Montpellier and Paris will be contacted shortly, and then those in Marseille and Lyon. Many thanks to the many Grenoble participants who have already returned their questionnaires. We are counting on the participation of all participants in the study.

EGEA annual seminar 2023


The EGEA cohort's annual seminar took place on June 1-2, 2023 in Bivier, near Grenoble. Each year, this meeting provides an opportunity to present the major advances made by the various research teams working on the EGEA cohort. This year, the seminar also provided an opportunity to finalize the implementation of the new EGEA4 follow-up program.